
six times Learn more about six times

  • Six times the profit of culture

    Six times the profit of culture

    1. The growth temperature is 15-18 degrees, and then drops to 10-15 degrees. This temperature will make the root system develop well. Liubeili is very sensitive to low temperature. It is best to keep the growth temperature at 15-18 degrees in spring and provide long-day sunshine.

  • Breeding methods and matters needing attention of six-fold profit

    Breeding methods and matters needing attention of six-fold profit

    Six times, this flower is very beautiful and beautiful, it is a very beautiful blue flower. Although its flowers are not big, they are so big that you can lift the flowerpot at home and buy them back home. How's this? The following editor introduces the breeding methods and points for attention of Sixfold.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of six times profit

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of six times profit

    Note that the seeds of the butterfly flowers are small, so when sowing, you can mix some fine sand before sowing, or plant the seedlings in a pot or flower bed when raising seedlings to 6 or 8 leaves, and use fine-hole spray to water them, so as not to be too fierce to prevent seed loss. & nbsp; 1- sows in March and blossoms after July

  • Six times the profit sprouted in a few days. How often do you water it?

    Six times the profit sprouted in a few days. How often do you water it?

    Liubili is a kind of flower introduced from abroad in our country. At present, it has its distribution in many parts of our country. The appearance of Liubili is very beautiful, and it has a purple floret, so it attracts a lot of people to breed it. In the process of breeding, many people do not know

    2020-11-08 Six times profit a few days germination how long watering once water six times
  • How to pick out the heart in the method of six-fold family maintenance

    How to pick out the heart in the method of six-fold family maintenance

    Liubeili, also known as the butterfly flower, originated in South Africa and is now distributed in many provinces in China. It will blossom only in long sunshine and low temperature. Cold resistance is not strong, avoid extreme heat, like easy loam rich in humus. Six times the family maintenance method of light, six times the benefit can not bear the shade, must be in full light to grow normally.

  • When to sow (a few months) the method of sowing six times the seed

    When to sow (a few months) the method of sowing six times the seed

    The growth state and overall performance of plants will change with the change of sowing time, so the sowing time of plants is the key to the growth of the whole plant. There are some differences in the growth habits of different species, so when planting six times the profit, when sowing

    2020-11-08 Six times profit seed when sow a few months method
  • How to grow six-fold profit planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow six-fold profit planting methods and matters needing attention

    Liuxili is very common in life, and it can be seen on the side of the road. Because of its high ornamental value, it is now used by many people to grow it and sell it. But before planting, many people must want to have an in-depth understanding of its planting technology.

    2020-11-08 Sixfold profit how planting method and matters needing attention sixfold
  • Can six times the planting method be spring sowing?

    Can six times the planting method be spring sowing?

    Six times the opening of the flower is blue flowers, grow that is very good-looking, at home to raise a happy mood, six times the planting method is what kind of it? Can you plant in spring? Six times Li planting method: seedling maintenance, seedling division pot soil not too dry, soil a little hardened, roots are easy to be injured in the seedling division

  • Six times the profit when to sow and how to plant can blossom

    Six times the profit when to sow and how to plant can blossom

    The height of the plant is about 1220 cm, and the stems and branches are fine. . The upper leaves of the stem are smaller and lanceolate, the leaves near the base are slightly larger and spatulate, and the leaves are alternate. Flowers terminal or axillary, Corolla apex 5-lobed, lower 3 lobes larger, shaped like butterfly wings, flowers are red, peach, purple, purple, white and other colors. It can be used as medicine.

  • Six-fold flowering period

    Six-fold flowering period

    If it is six times the profit planted in spring, the florescence is generally after July and can last about 100 days; if it is planted in autumn, it will blossom in the spring of the following year, and the flowering period can last as long as 5 months. How can the six-fold profit be maintained before it can blossom? Let's go together.

    2020-11-09 Six times profit florescence for example fruit spring planting six times
  • Maintenance of six-fold profit

    Maintenance of six-fold profit

    Six times the pruning is very necessary, pruning properly, can make this pattern become more beautiful, improve the ornamental value. The flower branches that burst out of the pot and some weak branches that block the sun in the middle should be trimmed off from the root by truncation, and the sturdier flower branches can be slightly shorter.

  • How to raise six Flowers the methods and points for attention of raising six Flowers

    How to raise six Flowers the methods and points for attention of raising six Flowers

    Liuhua may be very familiar to many flower lovers, because it is a more common flower plant in life, and has a long history. The flowers of Liuhua are a little like daffodils and azaleas, bright in color and very beautiful. Now the six flowers have become special.

    2020-11-08 Six out flowers how culture breeding methods and points for attention six out
  • This kind of six-wood potted plant is a very good choice in our home.

    This kind of six-wood potted plant is a very good choice in our home.

    Such a six-wood potted plant, put in our home is a very good choice summary: in our home there is such a potted plant, looks like a tree, and the flowers are also very beautiful, so such a potted plant in us.

  • The latest culture method of six times profit

    The latest culture method of six times profit

    They are perennial herbs of the genus Campanulaceae. The ornamental value is very high. The whole plant is swollen and round when it blossoms, and the plant is almost full of flowers. It is suitable for flower beds, potted plants, hanging pots and gardens.

    2020-11-10 The latest six times profit breeding method also known as
  • The culture method of six times the profit

    The culture method of six times the profit

    The culture method of six times the profit

  • Peruvian lily with six flowers

    Peruvian lily with six flowers

    Alias: Peruvian Liliaceae: Amaryllidaceae: morphological characteristics: fleshy roots, fleshy, tuberous, fascicled, procumbent. Stem erect, unbranched. Leaves numerous, alternate, lanceolate, spirally arranged. Umbels, small and many flowers, trumpet-shaped, orange-yellow flowers, inner whorls with reddish-brown stripes. Origin: Liuhuahua is native to Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico in Central America. Biological characteristics: like warm, humid and sunny environment

  • Propagation methods of six-flowered flowers

    Propagation methods of six-flowered flowers

    Sowing and reproduction of six flowers are usually sown in winter. Sand and peat soil can be mixed as the sowing medium. The seeds gradually wake up at low temperature, and then move to a place of 15-20 ℃. After two weeks, the seeds can germinate and continue to maintain a warm environment. When the seedlings grow to four or five centimeters, they can be cultivated separately.

  • How to breed and learn how to plant six trees to produce white flowers.

    How to breed and learn how to plant six trees to produce white flowers.

    Liudaomu is an evergreen shrub with Phnom Penh, Golden Heart and safflower categories. The leaves are relatively small, and the leaves are oblong and lanceolate. The color is usually dark green and looks very glossy, although the flowers are relatively small.

  • "six to six precautions" to do a good job in the spring management of Lentinus edodes

    "six to six precautions" to do a good job in the spring management of Lentinus edodes

  • It's called big flower, but it's actually a small flower--big flower six wood

    It's called big flower, but it's actually a small flower--big flower six wood

    English name: Large.flowered Abelia. Family belongs to: honeysuckle family six wood genus. Configuration feature: Gold leaf yellow, slight green heart, pollen white. Fast growing, long flowering. East China, Southwest China and North China can be cultivated in the open field....
